This morning I went out to do a few errands, and on the way home I cut through a subdivision to avoid waiting at a light. I came to a two-way stop sign, saw a consumers energy truck hurtling down the cross street, and after it had passed, I proceeded. Unfortunately, there were *two* consumers energy trucks speeding down Samoset. So I got a ticket, two points on my license, and at the very least, a fucked up bumper. I'm sure my alignment is all out of whack, too. The guy I hit got out of his truck, and right after I asked if he was ok, he said :"you know, I wasn't required to stop". Hmmm, defensive much? I knew I was the one who would get a ticket; I wasn't being a jerk about it. I didnt even say anything to him about the fact that he was quite obviously speeding. At least the cop was nice. After the consumers energy guys took off, he came over to my car and was almost apologetic for giving me the ticket.
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