I made the dough a few days ago and stuck it in the freezer. Best damn pizza I've ever made!
Pizza Dough:
(makes enough dough for two medium-sized pizzas.)
1 pkg. active dry yeast (2 1/4 tsp)
1 1/3 cups warm water (about 105 F; run water over your wrist so that the temperature of it doesn't feel cold or too warm)
mix together in a large-ish bowl and let sit for a few minutes, until yeast is completely dissolved.
3.5 cups flour
2 TB olive oil
1 TB sugar
1 TB salt
mix until blended well, and knead for about 10 minutes (inside the bowl it's in is fine), or until the texture is smooth and elastic. if the dough seems too sticky, add up to a 1/4 cup more flour in the kneading process. coat the bowl with a small amount of oil, and roll the ball of dough in it, coating it completely. let sit under plastic wrap or a clean towel in a warm place, to rise, for an hour or two. when the dough has doubled in bulk, punch it down and divide in half. at this point, you can refrigerate or freeze the dough in small freezer bags. Defrost over night, and let the defrosted dough rest in an oiled bowl as above in a warm place in the kitchen for an hour or so, after which you punch it down again and proceed. If you plan on making the pizza right away, take each half of dough, make a ball and flatten it, and holding an edge of the resultant disk and turning it, let gravity stretch it till it is the right size for your pan. press the edges of the dough against the rim of the pan to form a crust. let sit for a bit in the pan while you make the sauce and preheat the oven to 475, (pizza has to cook on the bottom rack, so make sure to move the racks before you heat the oven. much easier!). If you use non-perforated pans, a dusting of cornmeal before you place the dough on the pan can be nice.
Pizza sauce
for each 12-13" pizza:
1 8 oz can tomato sauce
one clove of garlic, minced
3/4 tsp each ground fennel, dried oregano, dried basil
salt and pepper and some
crushed red pepper if you like a spicy pizza sauce.
in a small sauce pan, cook the garlic in a little oil on medium low heat for just a minute; before it browns but after it starts emitting those wonderfully garlicky aromas. add the tomato sauce and herbs, salt, and pepper. cook on low heat, uncovered, stirring often, until it thickens slightly, 10 minutes or so.
spread the sauce on the pizza, and sprinkle with
6 to 8 oz. shredded mozzarella cheese
some grated parmesan (a 1/4 cup? an 1/8 th of a cup? I dunno. I'm using the cheap stuff in the can right now :> )
and then onions, mushrooms, cooked meats, what have you.
place on a rack in the bottom of the oven and cook for 10-12 minutes. make a salad or do the dishes in the meantime, but don't leave the kitchen, or the pizza will burn. at least that has been my experience :)
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